lunes, mayo 16, 2011

Gephi Toolkit: Librería open source para visualización de datos

Tomado de: Libreria Para Graficos

Gephi es una herramientra gratuita para visualización de datos, pero no es cualquier herramienta. Su meta es convertirse en el photoshop de datos. Permite crear gráficos complejos y manipularlos para buscar patrones, analizar los datos y explorarlos con fines de investigación. Un ejemplo de su funcionamiento lo pueden ver en esta demostración donde analizan el grafo de usuarios de linkedin
Hasta ahora, Gephi lo descargabas como una aplicación gratuita que puedes instalar en cualquier SO, pero ya han anunciado el Gephi Toolkit: e poder de Gephi es un solo archivo Jar. De esta forma, ya puedes usarlo para integrar sus capacidades avanzadas de manejo de gráficos y análisis de datos en cualquier aplicación Java.
Con el anuncio del toolkit, se anunció también un cambio en la licencia que ahora será la GNU AGPL y una nueva sección en su wiki para documentar el uso del toolkit.
Por cierto, en el anuncio oficial aprovechan para agradecer a la plataforma Netbeans el hecho de permitirles hacer su aplicación de forma modular ya que eso les ayudó para poder separar la parte del toolkit fácilmente y liberarla como un proyecto aparte.
Enhorabuena a Gephi por esta nueva versión que ha dado a la plataforma Java herramientas muy poderosas para el análisis de datos. 

domingo, mayo 15, 2011

Los 63 productos Open Open Source lideres

Tomado de: 63 Productos OpenSource

Imprescindible recopilación, la elaborada por Datamation y que recoge en su blog Sameh Attia, con las principales soluciones Open Source comerciales a nivel empresarial. Una lista de tecnologías de software libre más que completa. Ver lista de soluciones. Todo aquél que crea que falta alguna o alguna que debe considerarse líder, que ponga un mensajito indicandolo. Nosotros iremos actualizando la lista!!

1) jBilling

Business Intelligence
2) Jaspersoft
3) Palo BI Suite4) Pentaho5) OpenReports6) RapidMiner

Process Management
7) Bonita Open Solution
8) ProcessMaker

Cloud Infraestructura
9) CloudStack10) Scalr

Gestores de Contenido
11) Alfresco12) Liferay13) Magnolia14) MindTouch

15) ConcourseSuite16) Orange Leap17) SourceTap18) SplendidCRM19) SugarCRM20) vTiger
* Hipergate

Bases de Datos y ETL
21) MySQL22) Apatar
23) MailArchiva
24) Talend
* PostgreSQL
* Hadoop

Developers Tools
25) Mono26) Sencha Touch
27) Zend

Document Management
28) Epiware
29) LogicalDOC
30) OpenKM

31) Magento

32) Collabtive33) cyn.in34) Feng Office
35) Group-Office
36) Scalix37) Zimbra

38) Compiere ERP + CRM Business Solution39) Open ERP40) opentaps41) ]project-open[42) xTuple
* OpenBravo
* SaltOS

43) Endian Firewall44) NetCop UTM
45) Untangle

Human Resources
46) Open Applicant47) Orange HRM

48) JBoss

Mind Mapper
49) XMind

Network Monitoring
50) Nagios51) Opsview Community51) Opsview Community52) Snort
53) Zabbix

Sistemas Operativos
54) Red Hat55) SUSE
56) Ubuntu

Project Management
57) Onepoint Projec

Router Software
58) Vyatta

School Management
59) openSIS

60) ClearOS61) Zentyal

Time Tracking
62) TimeTrex

User Authentication
63) WiKID

Entornos Desarrollo
* Netbeans
* Eclipse

1) eZ Publish:
2) Talend Open Studio:
3) KnowledgeTree Document Management System:
4) Wordpress MU:
5) Pentaho:
6) SugarCRM:
7) Zencart:
8) Eucalyptus:
9) Zenoss:
10) Asterisk:
11) Vicidial:
12) Openproj:
13) Openmeetings:
14) MediaWiki:
15) LimeSurvey:
16) OpenBravo:
17) Ekiga:
18) Dolphin Smart Community Builder:
19) Compiere Community Edition:
20) Otrs:
Enlace completo

sábado, mayo 14, 2011

Endeavour Instalar en Centos o Windows - Gestion de Proyectos

Tomado de: Gestión de Proyectos

Instalación de Endeavour
bajo Windows

Aquí les dejo lo que hice paso a paso para instalar Endeavour, herramienta para la administración de proyectos de software. No es necesario seguir todos los pasos al pie de la letra, pero de esta manera debería salir andando.

Sección I - Bajar el software necesario

  1. Bajar MySQL v5.1.46 (Essential/Win32) desde esta dirección.
  2. Bajar Endeavour v1.7 desde esta dirección.

Sección II - Instalación de MySQL

  1. Ejecutar el archivo 'mysql-essential-5.1.46-win32.msi'. Instalar con todas las opciones por defecto excepto, quizás, 'Register'.
  2. Para nuestro ejemplo la contraseña de root para MySQL será mysqlpass. También seleccionamos la opción de 'Enable root access from remote machines'.
  3. Click en 'Execute' y click en 'Finish'.

    NOTA: Si instalaron una versión de MySQL que posteriormente desinstalaron, deben eliminar los directorios 'MySQL' en 'C:\Program Files' y en 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data' antes de instalar una nueva versión.

Sección III - Preinstalación de Endeavour

  1. Descomprimimos el archivo '' en (nuestro ejemplo) 'C:\Tools'.
  2. Copiamos el archivo 'C:\Tools\endeavour-mgmt-1.7\data\mysql\hibernate.cfg.xml' encima de 'C:\Tools\endeavour-mgmt-1.7\tomcat\webapps\endeavour\WEB-INF\classes\hibernate.cfg.xml', efectivamente reemplazando el segundo por el primero.
  3. Abrimos este último archivo ('C:\Tools\endeavour-mgmt-1.7\tomcat\webapps\endeavour\WEB-INF\classes\hibernate.cfg.xml') con, digamos, Notepad. Vamos a ver un par de líneas que contienen lo siguiente:
    <property name="hibernate.connection.username">USER_NAME_GOES_HERE</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.password">PASSWORD_GOES_HERE</property>

  4. Reemplazamos esas líneas por lo siguiente (datos del root de MySQL):
    <property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.password">mysqlpass</property>

Sección IV - Creación de la base de datos de Endeavour

Para nuestro ejemplo supondremos que MySQL está instalado en 'C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1'.

  1. Vamos a 'Inicio > Programas > MySQL > MySQL Server 5.1 > MySQL Command Line Client'.
  2. Entramos con la contraseña de root (mysqlpass).
  3. Escribimos el siguiente código:
    CREATE DATABASE Endeavour;

    NOTA: No olvidarse de poner el ';' (punto y coma) al final del comando anterior.
  4. Escribimos:

    para salir.
  5. Abrimos un intérprete de comandos (Inicio > Ejecutar > cmd).
  6. Entramos al directorio donde está el archivo 'mysql.exe':
    cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin

  7. 'Restauramos' la base de datos guardada en Endeavour en la base de datos vacía que acabamos de crear:
    mysql -uroot -pmysqlpass Endeavour < C:/Tools/endeavour-mgmt-1.7/data/mysql/endeavour.sql

    NOTA: No dejar espacios entre '-u' y el nombre de usuario o entre '-p' y la contraseña. Las barras no necesitan ser barras invertidas.

Sección V - Iniciar Endeavour

  1. Ejecutamos el archivo 'C:\Tools\endeavour-mgmt-1.7\start_endeavour.bat'. Si nos pregunta, desbloqueamos el Firewall para este programa.
  2. Abrimos un browser y entramos a la dirección 'http://localhost:8080/endeavour/'.
  3. Nos logueamos con nombre de usuario 'Admin' y contraseña 'password'.

Instalación de Endeavour En CENTOS 5.5.

El proposito de este articulo es facilitar la instalacion de Endeavour, herramienta para la administración de proyectos de software. No es necesario seguir todos los pasos al pie de la letra, pero de esta manera debería terminar funcionando perfctamente.

La URL del producto es la siguiente: Endeavour Alm

Toda la informaciòn de como se instala y mas cosas lo podemos revisar desde la siguiente URL:
Informacon de Endeavour ALM

Sección I - Bajar el software necesario

  1. Bajar MySQL v5.1.46 (Essential/Win32) desde esta dirección.
  2. Bajar Endeavour v1.7 desde esta dirección.Revisar la Ultima Version.
Sección II - Instalación de MySQL
  1. Para el caso de Linux - Centos la instalacion resulta sencilla, seguir los siguientes pasos:
    1. yum -y install mysql mysql-server 
    2. Revisar que el cortafuegos no este Activo de lo contrario desactivarlo.
    3. Iniciamos MYSQL service mysqld start  
    4. Procederemos a agregar a MySQL™ al los niveles de corrida 3, 4 y 5, de modo que la siguiente vez que se tenga que iniciar el equipo, MySQL™ se encuentre habilitado, para ello digitamos el siguiente comando:. chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
    5. Establecer la contraseña del usuario root
      Por defecto, el usuario root no tiene asignada una contraseña y esto no es nada recomendable, así que vamos a establecer una. Utilizamos el comando:

      mysqladmin -u root password 'loquesea'

      Cambiar ‘loquesea’ por la contraseña que desemos establecer, pero es importante no olvidarse de teclear las comillas simples.
    6. Comprobamos la nueva contraseña abriendo una sesión en mysql:

      mysql -u root -p

      mysql> show databases;
    7. En Mysql creamos el usuario root
       CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'clave';
    8. Proporcionamos todos los privilegios a este usuario.
    9. Tecleamos exit para salir del programa cliente. mysql> exit;
    10. Desactivar Firewall
      service iptables stop
    11. Podemos ya ingresar con el MYSQL Administrator en Windows.
      Nos mostrará las bases de datos que existan en el servidor, normalmente y si acabamos de instalar, aparecerán las bases de datos mysql y test.

Sección III - Preinstalación de Endeavour
  1. El siguente programa es de mucha utilidad para tener una interfaz absolutamente amigable para el intercambios de archivo en entre Windows y Linux, se puede descargar de esta URL: Copiar Archivos desde Windows A LINUX , la instalacion y activacion de este programa es realmente sencillo, por lo que no profundizaremos, por ahora.
  2. Si ya tenemos descargado el archivo  lo ubicamos en /usr/local/
  3. Descomprimimos el archivo 'unzip', para ello se creara la carpeta /usr/local/endeavour-mgmt-X.XX.
  4. Creamos un directorio donde ubicaremos nuestra aplicaciones para el caso puede ser con el mismo nombre endavour o cualquier otro nombre que se ajuste a sus necesidades, en nuestro caso utilizaremos en mismo nombre..
  5. En nuestro caso creamos con el mismo nombre de endavour dentro de /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
  6. Copiamos el contenido de /usr/local/endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/tomcat/webapps/endeavour a /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/endeavour, para ello nos ubicamos en /usr/local/endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/tomcat/webapps/endeavour y ejecutamos lo siguiente: cp -r . /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/endeavour
  7. Copiamos el archivo '/usr/local//endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/data/mysql\hibernate.cfg.xml' reeemplazando '/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/endeavour/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml', efectivamente reemplazando el segundo por el primero.
  8. Editamos este último archivo ('/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/endeavour/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml') con, digamos, VI o GEDIT, dependiendo de la interfaz. Vamos a ver un par de líneas que contienen lo siguiente:
    <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/unaprueba</property> 
    <property name="hibernate.connection.username">USER_NAME_GOES_HERE</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.password">PASSWORD_GOES_HERE</property>

  9. Reemplazamos esas líneas por lo siguiente (datos del root de MySQL), si hemos modificado en nombre de la base de datos debemos asignar el nombre de la base de datos de lo contrario dejamos como esta y luego continuamos:
    <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/endavour</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.password">mysqlpass</property>
    Sección IV - Creación de la base de datos de Endeavour
  1. Podemos editar el archivo endeavour.sql que esta en ubicado en  /usr/local/endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/data/mysql
  2. Modificamos las siguientes lineas, solamente si vamos a utilizar otro nombre de la base de datos que crearemos en los siguientes pasos.
    -- Create schema endeavour

    USE endeavour;

    Todo lo que esta señalado con color rojo podemos modificar, si es necesario de lo contrario nos saltamos este paso y continuamos.
  3.  Digitamos mysql  -u root -p 
  4. Entramos con la contraseña de root (mysqlpass).
  5. Escribimos el siguiente código:
    CREATE DATABASE endeavour;

    NOTA: No olvidarse de poner el ';' (punto y coma) al final del comando anterior, el nmbre puede ser cualquier otro que se ajuste a nuestros propositos..
  6. No ubicamos en /usr/local/endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/data/mysql , realizamos este paso porque existe problemas al mmento de leer la ruta correcta del archivo .sql.
  7. Digitamos lo siguiente:
    mysql -uroot -proot endeavour < endeavour.sql

  8. NOTA: No dejar espacios entre '-u' y el nombre de usuario o entre '-p' y la contraseña. Las barras no necesitan ser barras invertidas.
Sección V - Iniciar Endeavour
  1. Nos ubicamos en:  /usr/local//endeavour-mgmt-X.XX/ 
  2. Editamos el archivo con VI o GEDIT.
  3. Copiamos la siguiente linea: export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Duser.language=es -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"
  4. Nos ubicamos en /usr/local/tomcat/bin
  5. Editamos el archivo: y copiamos la anterior linea despues de la siguiente linea:                     # Better OS/400 detection: see Bugzilla 31132export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Duser.language=es -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"
  6.  Modificamos -Duser.language=en por -Duser.language=es signfica que nuestra interfaz estara en español.
  7. Asignamos permisos de ejecucion  chmod a+x
  8. Ejecutamos el archivo './'. Si nos pregunta, desbloqueamos el Firewall para este programa.
  9. Abrimos un browser y entramos a la dirección 'http://localhost:8080/endeavour/'.
  10. Nos logueamos con nombre de usuario 'Admin' y contraseña 'password'.

    lunes, mayo 09, 2011

    10 consejos para tener en cuenta a la hora de crear tu mail en HTML

    Tomado de: 10 consejos crear mai con html
    Los clientes de e-mail como Gmail y Hotmail no han hecho nada durante estos últimos años que pueda percibirse como un intento de agradar a los desarrolladores web de hoy en día. Cuando necesites crear un mail en HTML (quizás un envío masivo para publicitar tu sitio) sentirás que has vuelto a los años ‘90. Aquí te damos algunos tips para aligerar ese doloroso proceso.
    Fuente original del artículo: Flingbits
    Traducción realizada por

    1 - Mantenlo simple

    La mayoría de los clientes de e-mail de hoy en día buscan lindos diseños con texto estético, gráficos coloridos y todo eso. Sin embargo, a la hora de crear tu mail, debes apuntar a mantenerlo simple. Por supuesto, lo que cada cliente requiere será diferente, pero recuerda, a la hora de argumentar, que mientras más simple el diseño, más claro será para el usuario y más fácil para ti llevarlo a cabo.

    2 - Utiliza tablas

    Si bien los diseñadores web predicamos que las tablas son para datos, y no para diseños, aquí tenemos un caso en el que existe una insuficiencia de estándares entre clientes de e-mail que nos impiden lograr algo correctamente estructurado sin utilizarlas.

    3 - Estilos inline

    Gmail y Lotus Notes no permiten tags de style, lo cual es una pena. Por lo que deberás utilizar style=”…” en cada tag que quieras estilizar porque no puedes dejar afuera de tu mercado a Gmail. Trata de organizar tus atributos de estilo para respetar el mismo orden siempre, y que sea más sencillo trabajar con ellos luego.

    4 - No uses CSS2 ni CSS3

    No te molestes en utilizar otra cosa que no sea CSS avanzado (es decir, ni CSS2 ni CSS3), porque de otra manera solo encontrarás inconvenientes.

    5 - No utilices tags estructurales

    Tags como h1, h2 y p realmente no son necesarios en una tabla. Sólo te darán problemas, ya que algunos clientes no soportan ciertos tags, o le aplican estilos por defecto.

    6 - Padding y margin… no valen la pena

    Al igual que los tags estructurales, paddings y márgenes no valen la pena, ya que su poca compatibilidad entre clientes sólo te ocasionarán dolores de cabeza.

    7 - Usa height y width en imágenes

    Asegurate de usar los atributos height y width en las imágenes. Esto es genial para mantener tu layout intacto cuando las imágenes son deshabilitadas en el cliente de e-mail.

    8 - No olvides el alt de las imágenes

    ¡No olvides esto! Muchos clientes de e-mail tienen las imágenes deshabilitadas por defecto, por lo que tus recipientes necesitan saber de qué se trata tu e-mail de una manera clara.

    9 - No utilices backgrounds

    Los fondos son uno de los mayores elementos, y a la vez no son bien soportados. De todas formas, casi todos los clientes soportan un color de fondo, pero si lo asignas a través de estilo inline.

    10 - Prueba utilizar bordes

    Algunos clientes de e-mails soportan bordes, por lo que sugerimos que lo pruebes en varios clientes y, luego, lo pongas en práctica. Sino, siempre puedes utilizar imágenes.
    Fuente original del artículo: Flingbits
    Traducción realizada por

    viernes, mayo 06, 2011


    Tomado de:ESTANDARD OPC

    31 diciembre 2009

    Estándares OPC

    Las aplicaciones informáticas que encontramos en los sistemas de control, cuentan con un módulo de adquisición de datos procedentes de los dispositivos programables (plc, dcs, rtu…) de la instalación. Con el objetivo de evitar que cada aplicación deba implementar drivers de comunicación para todos los protocolos que puedan necesitarse y desarrollar un estándar común, surgió en Mayo de 1995 la OPC Foundation. En cooperación con Microsoft, el núcleo inicial lo formaron las empresas: Fisher-Rosemount, Rockwell Software, Opto-22, Intellution e Intuitive Technology.

    Las especificaciones se basaron en las tecnologías de Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) y DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model). De esta manera, si se instalan los servidores OPC necesarios, los desarrolladores de software industrial sólo necesitan implementar un cliente OPC para sus comunicaciones (la realidad es que se han seguido manteniendo todos los drivers específicos y se ha añadido el driver para OPC).

    Actualmente OPC es un conjunto de estándares:

    • OPC Data Access: el primero en aparecer, para la comunicación en tiempo-real con controladores programables. De los controladores programables se ha pasado a desarrollar servidores para cualquier aplicación, cómo las bases de datos o los ERP’s (aunque se aprovecha el hecho de que algunos SCADAs tienen malas interfaces con bases de datos, pero que podemos solventar creándonos dll’s muy sencillas y eficientes)
    • OPC Alarms&Events: en el Data Access, se establece un flujo continuo de datos entre el servidor y los clientes, pero hay muchas señales con poca variabilidad que dan lugar a un tráfico innecesario. Para mejorar la eficiencia, este estándar define la comunicación de las notificaciones/mensajes que el servidor envía a los clientes (suscriptores).
    • OPC Historical Data Access: frente a las peticiones en tiempo-real, se añade la capacidad de incluir en la petición la fecha/hora. Esto implica que los servidores OPC deben almacenar (y gestionar) los datos leídos. Pretende eliminar el papel de los Historizadores, pero parece difícil que pueda competir con ellos y sus drivers para el acceso por http o SQL.
    • OPC Batch: basado en el estándar de Batch ISA88, el servidor OPC deberá mantener listas de los Batchs ejecutados y calcular datos sobre los mismos. No existen apenas servidores OPC Batch. Sólo Yokogawa y algunas pequeñas empresas los tienen, porque los softwares de gestión de Batch ya realizan todas las funciones a partir de los datos de tiempo real.
    • OPC Data eXchange: comunicación entre servidores, útil para implementar redundancia y balanceo de comunicaciones.
    • OPC XML-DA: reglas y formatos para el intercambio de datos en formato XML.
    • OPC Complex Data: estandariza estructuras complejas, como ficheros xml o estructuras binarias.
    • OPC Commands: en fase de desarrollo, el objetivo es poder ejecutar comandos (identificación, monitorización, ejecución de órdenes) en los equipos finales.
    • OPC Unified Architecture: es un conjunto de especificaciones no basadas en Microsoft COM, para el desarrollo de servidores en cualquier plataforma.
    • OPC Security: surge para incrementar la seguridad de las comunicaciones, dado que la seguridad que proporcionan los sistemas operativos no es suficiente. En la práctica es poco utilizado, porque la adopción del estándar implica un rediseño del software que los desarrolladores no han realizado. Se espera que se incluya dentro de los productos basados en OPC Unified Architecture.
    • OPC Express Interface: es una especificación para el desarrollo de clientes en .Net, intentando unificar y regular los desarrollos que cada fabricante estaba desarrollando.

    Diego López
    S21Sec Labs

    miércoles, mayo 04, 2011

    Instalando VMware-Tools en CentOS 5

    Tomado de: Instalar Vmware Tools

    Realizar lo siguiente: 

    yum install gcc kernel-devel

    uname -r

    rpm -q kernel-devel 
    Si existe diferencia entre las dos respuesta, debemos ejecutar lo siguiente:
    yum -y upgrade kernel kernel-devel 
    Seguidamente realice los siguiente pasos:
    1.- Luego vaya en el Vmware - en la opción del menú VM, seleccione instalar Vmware Tools. Extraiga en una carpeta.
    2.- Extraiga en una carpeta.
    3.- Ubíquese en la carpeta donde se desempaqueto, luego ejecute ./vmware.....
    4.- Luego responda la serie de preguntas que requiere el proceso de instalación 

    lunes, mayo 02, 2011

    Instalando DSPACE - Administración de colecciones digitales, y comúnmente es usada como solución de repositorio institucional

    Tomado de: Instalando DSPACE
    Sitio del producto: Sitio del Producto

    DSpace es un software de código abierto que provee herramientas para la administración de colecciones digitales, y comúnmente es usada como solución de repositorio institucional. Soporta una gran variedad de datos, incluyendo libros, tesis, fotografías, filmes, video, datos de investigación y otras formas de contenido. Los datos son organizados como items que pertenecen a una colección; cada colección pertenece a una comunidad.
    Fue liberado en el 2002, como producto de una alianza de HP y el MIT. Es liberado bajo una licencia BSD que permite a los usuarios personalizar o extender el software según se necesite.
    Muchas instituciones de investigación a nivel mundial utilizan DSpace para satisfacer una variedad de necesidades de archivo o archivaje digital:
    • Repositorios Institucionales
    • Repositorios de objetos de aprendizaje
    • Tesis Electrónicas (eTheses)
    • Administración de Registros Electrónicos
    • Preservación Digital
    • Publicación

    Para los impacientes:

    Since some users might want to get their test version up and running as fast as possible, offered below is an unsupported outline of getting DSpace to run quickly in a Unix-based environment.
    Only experienced unix admins should even attempt the following without going to the detailed Installation Instructions
    useradd -m dspace
    gunzip -c dspace-1.x-src-release.tar.gz | tar -xf -
    createuser -U postgres -d -A -P dspace
    createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace/config
    vi dspace.cfg
    mkdir [dspace]
    chown dspace [dspace]
    su - dspace
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace
    mvn package
    cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir
    ant fresh_install
    cp -r [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps
    /etc/init.d/tomcat start
    [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator

    Prerequisite Software

    The list below describes the third-party components and tools you'll need to run a DSpace server. These are just guidelines. Since DSpace is built on open source, standards-based tools, there are numerous other possibilities and setups.
    Also, please note that the configuration and installation guidelines relating to a particular tool below are here for convenience. You should refer to the documentation for each individual component for complete and up-to-date details. Many of the tools are updated on a frequent basis, and the guidelines below may become out of date.

    UNIX-like OS or Microsoft Windows

    • UNIX-like OS (Linux, HP/UX, Mac OSX, etc.) : Many distributions of Linux/Unix come with some of the dependencies below pre-installed or easily installed via updates, you should consult your particular distributions documentation or local system administrators to determine what is already available.
    • Microsoft Windows: After verifying all prerequisites below, see the Windows Installation section for Windows tailored instructions

    Oracle Java JDK 6 or later (standard SDK is fine, you don't need J2EE)

    DSpace now requires Oracle Java 6 or greater because of usage of new language capabilities introduced in 5 and 6 that make coding easier and cleaner.
    Java can be downloaded from the following location:
    Only Oracle's Java has been tested with each release and is known to work correctly. Other flavors of Java may pose problems.

    Apache Maven 2.2.x (Java build tool)

    Known issue with Maven 2.0.x and Maven 3.x and DSpace 1.7.0
    DSpace 1.7.0 does not build properly when using Maven 2.0.x or Maven 3.x. This is a known issue. The quick fix is to use Maven 2.2.x. More information on this issue can be found in the following JIRA issue: DS-788.
    Maven is necessary in the first stage of the build process to assemble the installation package for your DSpace instance. It gives you the flexibility to customize DSpace using the existing Maven projects found in the [dspace-source]/dspace/modules directory or by adding in your own Maven project to build the installation package for DSpace, and apply any custom interface "overlay" changes.
    Maven can be downloaded from the following location:

    Configuring a Proxy

    You can configure a proxy to use for some or all of your HTTP requests in Maven 2.0. The username and password are only required if your proxy requires basic authentication (note that later releases may support storing your passwords in a secured keystore‚ in the mean time, please ensure your settings.xml file (usually ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml) is secured with permissions appropriate for your operating system).

    Apache Ant 1.7 or later (Java build tool)

    Apache Ant is still required for the second stage of the build process. It is used once the installation package has been constructed in [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir and still uses some of the familiar ant build targets found in the 1.4.x build process.
    Ant can be downloaded from the following location:

    Relational Database: (PostgreSQL or Oracle).

    • PostgreSQL 8.2 to 8.4 PostgreSQL can be downloaded from the following location: . It is highly recommended that you try to work with Postgres 8.4 or greater, however, 8.2 or greater should still work. Unicode (specifically UTF-8) support must be enabled. This is enabled by default in 8.0+. Once installed, you need to enable TCP/IP connections (DSpace uses JDBC). In postgresql.conf: uncomment the line starting: listen_addresses = 'localhost'. Then tighten up security a bit by editing pg_hba.conf and adding this line: host dspace dspace md5. Then restart PostgreSQL.
    • Oracle 10g or greater Details on acquiring Oracle can be downloaded from the following location: You will need to create a database for DSpace. Make sure that the character set is one of the Unicode character sets. DSpace uses UTF-8 natively, and it is suggested that the Oracle database use the same character set. You will also need to create a user account for DSpace (e.g. dspace) and ensure that it has permissions to add and remove tables in the database. Refer to the Quick Installation for more details.
      • NOTE: DSpace uses sequences to generate unique object IDs — beware Oracle sequences, which are said to lose their values when doing a database export/import, say restoring from a backup. Be sure to run the script etc/update-sequences.sql.
      • For people interested in switching from Postgres to Oracle, I know of no tools that would do this automatically. You will need to recreate the community, collection, and eperson structure in the Oracle system, and then use the item export and import tools to move your content over.

    Servlet Engine: (Apache Tomcat 5.5 or 6, Jetty, Caucho Resin or equivalent).

    • Apache Tomcat 5.5 or later. Tomcat can be downloaded from the following location:
      • Note that DSpace will need to run as the same user as Tomcat, so you might want to install and run Tomcat as a user called 'dspace'. Set the environment variable TOMCAT_USER appropriately.
      • You need to ensure that Tomcat has a) enough memory to run DSpace and b) uses UTF-8 as its default file encoding for international character support. So ensure in your startup scripts (etc) that the following environment variable is set: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms64M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
      • Modifications in [tomcat]/conf/server.xml: You also need to alter Tomcat's default configuration to support searching and browsing of multi-byte UTF-8 correctly. You need to add a configuration option to the <Connector> element in [tomcat]/config/server.xml: URIEncoding="UTF-8" e.g. if you're using the default Tomcat config, it should read:
        <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
        <Connector port="8080"
        You may change the port from 8080 by editing it in the file above, and by setting the variable CONNECTOR_PORT in server.xml.
    • Jetty or Caucho Resin DSpace will also run on an equivalent servlet Engine, such as Jetty ( or Caucho Resin ( Jetty and Resin are configured for correct handling of UTF-8 by default.

    Perl (only required for [dspace]/bin/

    Installation Instructions

    Overview of Install Options

    With the advent of a new Apache Maven 2 based build architecture (first introduced inDSpace 1.5.x), you now have two options in how you may wish to install and manage your local installation of DSpace. If you've used DSpace 1.4.x, please recognize that the initial build procedure has changed to allow for more customization. You will find the later 'Ant based' stages of the installation procedure familiar. Maven is used to resolve the dependencies of DSpace online from the 'Maven Central Repository' server.
    It is important to note that the strategies are identical in terms of the list of procedures required to complete the build process, the only difference being that the Source Release includes "more modules" that will be built given their presence in the distribution package.
    • Default Release (dspace-<version>
      • This distribution will be adequate for most cases of running a DSpace instance. It is intended to be the quickest way to get DSpace installed and running while still allowing for customization of the themes and branding of your DSpace instance.
      • This method allows you to customize DSpace configurations (in dspace.cfg) or user interfaces, using basic pre-built interface "overlays".
      • It downloads "precompiled" libraries for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries, aspects and themes for the dspace-xmlui, dspace-xmlui and other webservice/applications.
      • This approach exposes the parts of the application that the DSpace committers would prefer to see customized. All other modules are downloaded from the 'Maven Central Repository' The directory structure for this release is the following:
        • [dspace-source]
          • dspace/ - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
          • pom.xml - DSpace Parent Project definition
    • Source Release (dspace-<version>
      • This method is recommended for those who wish to develop DSpace further or alter its underlying capabilities to a greater degree.
      • It contains all dspace code for the core dspace-api, supporting servlets, taglibraries, aspects and themes for Manakin (dspace-xmlui), and other webservice/applications.
      • Provides all the same capabilities as the normal release. The directory structure for this release is more detailed:
        • [dspace-source]
          • dspace/ - DSpace 'build' and configuration module
          • dspace-api/ - Java API source module
          • dspace-jspui/ - JSP-UI source module
          • dspace-oai - OAI-PMH source module
          • dspace-xmlui - XML-UI (Manakin) source module
          • dspace-lni - Lightweight Network Interface source module
          • dspace-sword – SWORD (Simple Web-serve Offering Repository Deposit) deposit service source module
          • dspace-test – DSpace Tests (Unit and Integration Tests)
          • pom.xml - DSpace Parent Project definition

    Overview of DSpace Directories

    Before beginning an installation, it is important to get a general understanding of the DSpace directories and the names by which they are generally referred. (Please attempt to use these below directory names when asking for help on the DSpace Mailing Lists, as it will help everyone better understand what directory you may be referring to.)
    DSpace uses three separate directory trees. Although you don't need to know all the details of them in order to install DSpace, you do need to know they exist and also know how they're referred to in this document:
    1. The installation directory, referred to as [dspace]. This is the location where DSpace is installed and running off of it is the location that gets defined in the dspace.cfg as "dspace.dir". It is where all the DSpace configuration files, command line scripts, documentation and webapps will be installed to.
    2. The source directory, referred to as [dspace-source] . This is the location where the DSpace release distribution has been unzipped into. It usually has the name of the archive that you expanded such as dspace-<version>-release or dspace-<version>-src-release. It is the directory where all of your "build" commands will be run.
    3. The web deployment directory. This is the directory that contains your DSpace web application(s). In DSpace 1.5.x and above, this corresponds to [dspace]/webapps by default. However, if you are using Tomcat, you may decide to copy your DSpace web applications from [dspace]/webapps/ to [tomcat]/webapps/ (with [tomcat] being wherever you installed Tomcat‚ also known as $CATALINA_HOME).
      For details on the contents of these separate directory trees, refer to directories.html. Note that the [dspace-source] and [dspace] directories are always separate!


    This method gets you up and running with DSpace quickly and easily. It is identical in both the Default Release and Source Release distributions.
    1. Create the DSpace user. This needs to be the same user that Tomcat (or Jetty etc.) will run as. e.g. as root run:
      useradd -m dspace
    2. Download the latest DSpace release There are two version available with each release of DSpace: (dspace-1.x-release. and; you only need to choose one. If you want a copy of all underlying Java source code, you should download the Within each version, you have a choice of compressed file format. Choose the one that best fits your environment.
    3. Unpack the DSpace software. After downloading the software, based on the compression file format, choose one of the following methods to unpack your software:
      1. Zip file. If you downloaded do the following:
      2. .gz file. If you downloaded dspace-1.6-release.tar.gz do the following:
        gunzip -c dspace-1.7-release.tar.gz | tar -xf -
      3. .bz2 file. If you downloaded _dspace-1.6-release.tar.bz2_do the following:
        bunzip2 | tar -xf -
        For ease of reference, we will refer to the location of this unzipped version of the DSpace release as [dspace-source] in the remainder of these instructions. After unpacking the file, the user may which to change the ownership of the dspace-1.6-release to the 'dspace' user. (And you may need to change the group).
    4. Database Setup
      • PostgreSQL:
        • A PostgreSQL JDBC driver is configured as part of the default DSpace build. You no longer need to copy any PostgreSQL jars to get PostgreSQL installed.
        • Create a dspace}}database, owned by the {{dspace PostgreSQL user (you are still logged in at 'root'):
          createuser -U postgres -d -A -P dspace 
          createdb -U dspace -E UNICODE dspace
          You will be prompted for a password for the DSpace database. (This isn't the same as the dspace user's UNIX password.)
      • Oracle:
        • Setting up oracle is a bit different now. You will need still need to get a Copy of the oracle JDBC driver, but instead of copying it into a lib directory you will need to install it into your local Maven repository. (You'll need to download it first from this location: Run the following command (all on one line)
          mvn install:install-file -Dfile=ojdbc6.jar
              -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
        • Create a database for DSpace. Make sure that the character set is one of the Unicode character sets. DSpace uses UTF-8 natively, and it is required that the Oracle database use the same character set. Create a user account for DSpace (e.g. dspace,) and ensure that it has permissions to add and remove tables in the database.
        • Edit the [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg database settings:
   = oracle
          db.url    = jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/dspace
          db.driver = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    5. Initial Configuration: Edit [dspace-source]/dspace/config/dspace.cfg, in particular you'll need to set these properties:
      • dspace.dir - must be set to the [dspace] (installation) directory.
      • dspace.url - complete URL of this server's DSpace home page.
      • dspace.hostname - fully-qualified domain name of web server.
      • - "Proper" name of your server, e.g. "My Digital Library".
      • db.password - the database password you entered in the previous step.
      • mail.server - fully-qualified domain name of your outgoing mail server.
      • mail.from.address - the "From:" address to put on email sent by DSpace.
      • feedback.recipient - mailbox for feedback mail.
      • mail.admin - mailbox for DSpace site administrator.
      • alert.recipient - mailbox for server errors/alerts (not essential but very useful!)
      • registration.notify - mailbox for emails when new users register (optional)
        You can interpolate the value of one configuration variable in the value of another one. For example, to set feedback.recipient to the same value as mail.admin, the line would look like:
        feedback.recipient = ${mail.admin}
        Refer to the General Configuration section for details and examples of the above.
    6. DSpace Directory: Create the directory for the DSpace installation (i.e. [dspace]). As root (or a user with appropriate permissions), run:
      mkdir [dspace]
      chown dspace [dspace]
      (Assuming the dspace UNIX username.)
    7. Installation Package: As the dspace UNIX user, generate the DSpace installation package in the [dspace-source]/dspace directory:
      cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
      mvn package
      Defaults to PostgreSQL settings
      Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. _If you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
      mvn package
    8. Build DSpace and Initialize Database: As the dspace UNIX user, initialize the DSpace database and install DSpace to [dspace]_:
      cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir
      ant fresh_install
      To see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help The most likely thing to go wrong here is the database connection. See the Common Problems Section.
    9. Deploy Web Applications. You have two choices or techniques for having Tomcat/Jetty/Resin serve up your web applications:
      • Technique A. Simple and complete. You copy only (or all) of the DSpace Web application(s) you wish to use from the [dspace]/webapps directory to the appropriate directory in your Tomcat/Jetty/Resin installation. For example:
        cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [tomcat]/webapps* (This will copy all the web applications to Tomcat).
        cp -R [dspace]/webapps/jspui [tomcat]/webapps* (This will copy only the jspui web application to Tomcat.)
      • Technique B. Tell your Tomcat/Jetty/Resin installation where to find your DSpace web application(s). As an example, in the \<Host> section of your [tomcat]/conf/server.xml you could add lines similar to the following (but replace [dspace] with your installation location:
        <!-- Define the default virtual host
         Note:  XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
         <Host name="localhost"  appBase="[dspace]/webapps"
    10. Administrator Account: Create an initial administrator account:
      [dspace]/bin/dspace create-administrator
    11. Initial Startup! Now the moment of truth! Start up (or restart) Tomcat/Jetty/Resin. Visit the base URL(s) of your server, depending on which DSpace web applications you want to use. You should see the DSpace home page. Congratulations! Base URLs of DSpace Web Applications:
    In order to set up some communities and collections, you'll need to login as your DSpace Administrator (which you created with create-administrator above) and access the administration UI in either the JSP or XML user interface.

    Advanced Installation

    The above installation steps are sufficient to set up a test server to play around with, but there are a few other steps and options you should probably consider before deploying a DSpace production site.

    'cron' Jobs

    A couple of DSpace features require that a script is run regularly – the e-mail subscription feature that alerts users of new items being deposited, and the new 'media filter' tool, that generates thumbnails of images and extracts the full-text of documents for indexing.
    To set these up, you just need to run the following command as the dspace UNIX user:
    crontab -e
    Then add the following lines:
    # Send out subscription e-mails at 01:00 every day
    0 1 * * *  [dspace]/bin/dspace sub-daily
    # Run the media filter at 02:00 every day
    0 2 * * *  [dspace]/bin/dspace filter-media
    # Run the checksum checker at 03:00
    0 3 * * *  [dspace]/bin/dspace checker -lp
    # Mail the results to the sysadmin at 04:00
    0 4 * * *  [dspace]/bin/dspace checker-emailer -c
    Naturally you should change the frequencies to suit your environment.
    PostgreSQL also benefits from regular 'vacuuming', which optimizes the indexes and clears out any deleted data. Become the postgres UNIX user, run crontab -e and add (for example):
    # Clean up the database nightly at 4.20am
    20 4 * * * vacuumdb --analyze dspace > /dev/null 2>&1
    In order that statistical reports are generated regularly and thus kept up to date you should set up the following cron jobs:
    # Run stat analysis
    0 1 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace stat-general
    0 1 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace stat-monthly
    0 2 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace stat-report-general
    0 2 * * * [dspace]/bin/dspace stat-report-monthly
    Obviously, you should choose execution times which are most useful to you, and you should ensure that the
    scripts run a short while after the analysis scripts to give them time to complete (a run of around 8 months worth of logs can take around 25 seconds to complete); the resulting reports will let you know how long analysis took and you can adjust your cron times accordingly.

    Multilingual Installation

    In order to deploy a multilingual version of DSpace you have to configure two parameters in [dspace-source]/config/dspace.cfg:
    • default.locale, e.g. default.locale = en
    • webui.supported locales, e.g. webui.supported.locales = en, de
    The Locales might have the form country, country_language, country_language_variant.
    According to the languages you wish to support, you have to make sure, that all the i18n related files are available see the Multilingual User Interface Configuring MultiLingual Support section for the JSPUI or the Multilingual Support for XMLUI in the configuration documentation.

    DSpace over HTTPS

    If your DSpace is configured to have users login with a username and password (as opposed to, say, client Web certificates), then you should consider using HTTPS. Whenever a user logs in with the Web form (e.g. their DSpace password is exposed in plain text on the network. This is a very serious security risk since network traffic monitoring is very common, especially at universities. If the risk seems minor, then consider that your DSpace administrators also login this way and they have ultimate control over the archive.
    The solution is to use HTTPS (HTTP over SSL, i.e. Secure Socket Layer, an encrypted transport), which protects your passwords against being captured. You can configure DSpace to require SSL on all "authenticated" transactions so it only accepts passwords on SSL connections.
    The following sections show how to set up the most commonly-used Java Servlet containers to support HTTP over SSL.

    To enable the HTTPS support in Tomcat 5.0:

    1. For Production use: Follow this procedure to set up SSL on your server. Using a "real" server certificate ensures your users' browsers will accept it without complaints. In the examples below, $CATALINA_BASE is the directory under which your Tomcat is installed.
      1. Create a Java keystore for your server with the password changeit, and install your server certificate under the alias "tomcat". This assumes the certificate was put in the file server.pem:
        $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -v -storepass changeit
         -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias tomcat -file
      2. Install the CA (Certifying Authority) certificate for the CA that granted your server cert, if necessary. This assumes the server CA certificate is in ca.pem:
        $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit
         -trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -alias ServerCA
         -file ca.pem
      3. Optional – ONLY if you need to accept client certificates for the X.509 certificate stackable authentication module See the configuration section for instructions on enabling the X.509 authentication method. Load the keystore with the CA (certifying authority) certificates for the authorities of any clients whose certificates you wish to accept. For example, assuming the client CA certificate is in client1.pem:
        $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit
         -trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore  -alias client1
         -file client1.pem
      4. Now add another Connector tag to your server.xml Tomcat configuration file, like the example below. The parts affecting or specific to SSL are shown in bold. (You may wish to change some details such as the port, pathnames, and keystore password)
        <Connector port="8443"
                       maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25"
                       acceptCount="100" debug="0"
                      scheme="https" secure="true" sslProtocol="TLS"
         keystoreFile="conf/keystore" keystorePass="changeit" clientAuth="true" - ONLY if using client X.509 certs for authentication!
         truststoreFile="conf/keystore" trustedstorePass="changeit" />
        Also, check that the default Connector is set up to redirect "secure" requests to the same port as your SSL connector, e.g.:
        <Connector port="8080"
                         maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25"
                         acceptCount="100" debug="0"   />
    2. Quick-and-dirty Procedure for Testing: If you are just setting up a DSpace server for testing, or to experiment with HTTPS, then you don't need to get a real server certificate. You can create a "self-signed" certificate for testing; web browsers will issue warnings before accepting it but they will function exactly the same after that as with a "real" certificate. In the examples below, $CATALINA_BASE is the directory under which your Tomcat is installed.
      1. Optional – ONLY if you don't already have a server certificate. Follow this sub-procedure to request a new, signed server certificate from your Certifying Authority (CA):
        • Create a new key pair under the alias name "tomcat". When generating your key, give the Distinguished Name fields the appropriate values for your server and institution. CN should be the fully-qualified domain name of your server host. Here is an example:
          $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize
           1024 \
            -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -storepass changeit
           -validity 365 \
            -dname ', OU=MIT Libraries, O=Massachusetts
           Institute of Technology, L=Cambridge, S=MA, C=US'
        • Then, create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and send it to your Certifying Authority. They will send you back a signed Server Certificate. This example command creates a CSR in the file tomcat.csr
          $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore
           -storepass changeit \
             -certreq -alias tomcat -v -file tomcat.csr
        • Before importing the signed certificate, you must have the CA's certificate in your keystore as a trusted certificate. Get their certificate, and import it with a command like this (for the example mitCA.pem):
          $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore
           -storepass changeit \
               -import -alias mitCA -trustcacerts -file mitCA.pem
        • Finally, when you get the signed certificate from your CA, import it into the keystore with a command like the following example: (cert is in the file signed-cert.pem)
          $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore
           -storepass changeit \
               -import -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -file signed-cert.pem
          Since you now have a signed server certificate in your keystore, you can, obviously, skip the next steps of installing a signed server certificate and the server CA's certificate.
      2. Create a Java keystore for your server with the password changeit, and install your server certificate under the alias "tomcat". This assumes the certificate was put in the file server.pem:
        $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore
         $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore -storepass changeit
        When answering the questions to identify the certificate, be sure to respond to "First and last name" with the fully-qualified domain name of your server (e.g. The other questions are not important.
      3. Optional – ONLY if you need to accept client certificates for the X.509 certificate stackable authentication module See the configuration section for instructions on enabling the X.509 authentication method. Load the keystore with the CA (certifying authority) certificates for the authorities of any clients whose certificates you wish to accept. For example, assuming the client CA certificate is in client1.pem:
        $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -import -noprompt -storepass changeit
         -trustcacerts -keystore $CATALINA_BASE/conf/keystore  -alias client1
         -file client1.pem
      4. Follow the procedure in the section above to add another Connector tag, for the HTTPS port, to your server.xml file.

    To use SSL on Apache HTTPD with mod_jk:

    If you choose Apache HTTPD as your primary HTTP server, you can have it forward requests to the Tomcat servlet container via Apache Jakarta Tomcat Connector. This can be configured to work over SSL as well. First, you must configure Apache for SSL; for Apache 2.0 see Apache SSL/TLS Encryption for information about using mod_ssl.
    If you are using X.509 Client Certificates for authentication: add these configuration options to the appropriate httpd configuration file, e.g. ssl.conf, and be sure they are in force for the virtual host and namespace locations dedicated to DSpace:
    ##  SSLVerifyClient can be "optional" or
            SSLVerifyClient optional
            SSLVerifyDepth  10
            SSLOptions StdEnvVars ExportCertData
    Now consult the Apache Jakarta Tomcat Connector documentation to configure the mod_jk (note: NOTmod_jk2) module. Select the AJP 1.3 connector protocol. Also follow the instructions there to configure your Tomcat server to respond to AJP.
    To use SSL on Apache HTTPD with mod_webapp consult the DSpace 1.3.2 documentation. Apache have deprecated the mod_webapp connector and recommend using mod_jk.
    To use Jetty's HTTPS support consult the documentation for the relevant tool.

    The Handle Server

    First a few facts to clear up some common misconceptions:
    • You don't have to use CNRI's Handle system. At the moment, you need to change the code a little to use something else (e.g PURLs) but that should change soon.
    • You'll notice that while you've been playing around with a test server, DSpace has apparently been creating handles for you looking like hdl:123456789/24 and so forth. These aren't really Handles, since the global Handle system doesn't actually know about them, and lots of other DSpace test installs will have created the same IDs. They're only really Handles once you've registered a prefix with CNRI (see below) and have correctly set up the Handle server included in the DSpace distribution. This Handle server communicates with the rest of the global Handle infrastructure so that anyone that understands Handles can find the Handles your DSpace has created.
      If you want to use the Handle system, you'll need to set up a Handle server. This is included with DSpace. Note that this is not required in order to evaluate DSpace; you only need one if you are running a production service. You'll need to obtain a Handle prefix from the central CNRI Handle site.
    A Handle server runs as a separate process that receives TCP requests from other Handle servers, and issues resolution requests to a global server or servers if a Handle entered locally does not correspond to some local content. The Handle protocol is based on TCP, so it will need to be installed on a server that can broadcast and receive TCP on port 2641.
    1. To configure your DSpace installation to run the handle server, run the following command:
      [dspace]/bin/dspace make-handle-config [dspace]/handle-server
      Ensure that [dspace]/handle-server matches whatever you have in dspace.cfg for the handle.dir property.
    2. Edit the resulting [dspace]/handle-server/config.dct file to include the following lines in the "server_config" clause:
      "storage_type" = "CUSTOM"
      "storage_class" = "org.dspace.handle.HandlePlugin"
      This tells the Handle server to get information about individual Handles from the DSpace code.
    3. Once the configuration file has been generated, you will need to go to to upload the generated file. The upload page will ask you for your contact information. An administrator will then create the naming authority/prefix on the root service (known as the Global Handle Registry), and notify you when this has been completed. You will not be able to continue the handle server installation until you receive further information concerning your naming authority.
    4. When CNRI has sent you your naming authority prefix, you will need to edit the config.dct file. The file will be found in /[dspace]/handle-server. Look for "300:0.NA/YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY". Replace YOUR_NAMING_AUTHORITY with the assigned naming authority prefix sent to you.
    5. Now start your handle server (as the dspace user):
      Note that since the DSpace code manages individual Handles, administrative operations such as Handle creation and modification aren't supported by DSpace's Handle server.

    Updating Existing Handle Prefixes

    If you need to update the handle prefix on items created before the CNRI registration process you can run the [dspace]/bin/dspace update-handle-prefix script. You may need to do this if you loaded items prior to CNRI registration (e.g. setting up a demonstration system prior to migrating it to production). The script takes the current and new prefix as parameters. For example:
    [dspace]/bin/dspace update-handle-prefix 123456789 1303
    This script will change any handles currently assigned prefix 123456789 to prefix 1303, so for example handle 123456789/23 will be updated to 1303/23 in the database.

    Google and HTML sitemaps

    To aid web crawlers index the content within your repository, you can make use of sitemaps. There are currently two forms of sitemaps included in DSpace; Google sitemaps and HTML sitemaps.
    Sitemaps allow DSpace to expose it's content without the crawlers having to index every page. HTML sitemaps provide a list of all items, collections and communities in HTML format, whilst Google sitemaps provide the same information in gzipped XML format.
    To generate the sitemaps, you need to run [dspace]/bin/generate-sitemaps This creates the sitemaps in [dspace]/sitemaps/
    The sitemaps can be accessed from the following URLs:
    When running [dspace]/bin/generate-sitemaps the script informs Google that the sitemaps have been updated. For this update to register correctly, you must first register your Google sitemap index page (/dspace/sitemap) with Google at If your DSpace server requires the use of a HTTP proxy to connect to the Internet, ensure that you have set and http.proxy.port in [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
    The URL for pinging Google, and in future, other search engines, is configured in [dspace-space]/config/dspace.cfg using the sitemap.engineurls setting where you can provide a comma-separated list of URLs to 'ping'.
    You can generate the sitemaps automatically every day using an additional cron job:
    # Generate sitemaps
    0 6 * * * [dspace]/bin/generate-sitemaps

    DSpace Statistics

    DSpace uses the Apache Solr application underlaying the statistics. There is no need to download any separate software. All the necessary software is included. To understand all of the configuration property keys, the user should refer to 5.2.35 DSpace Statistic Configuration for detailed information.
    1. DSpace Configuration for Accessing Solr. In the dspace.cfg file review the following fields to make sure they are uncommented:
      solr.log.server = ${dspace.baseUrl}/solr/statistics
      solr.dbfile = ${dspace.dir}/config/GeoLiteCity.dat
      solr.spiderips.urls =, \
                  , \
                  , \
                  , \
                  , \
                  , \
                  , \
    2. DSpace logging configuration for Solr. If your DSpace instance is protected by a proxy server, in order for Solr to log the correct IP address of the user rather than of the proxy, it must be configured to look for the X-Forwarded-For header.  This feature can be enabled by ensuring the following setting is uncommented in the logging section of dspace.cfg:
      useProxies = true
    3. Configuration Control. In the dspace.cfg set the following property key:_statistics.item.authorization.admin=true_This will require the user to sign on to see that statistics. Setting the statistics to "false" will make them publicly available.
    4. Final steps.
      • Perform the following step:
        cd [dspace-source]/dspace
        mvn package
        cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-<version>-build.dir
        ant -Dconfig=[dspace]/config/dspace.cfg update
        cp -R [dspace]/webapps/* [TOMCAT]/webapps
        If you only need to build the statistics, and don't make any changes to other web applications, you can replace the copy step above with: cp -R [dspace]/webapps/solr [TOMCAT]/webapps
      • Restart your webapps (Tomcat/Jetty/Resin)

    Windows Installation

    Pre-requisite Software

    If you are installing DSpace on Windows, you will still need to install all the same Prerequisite Software, as listed above.
    • If you install PostgreSQL, it's recommended to select to install the pgAdmin III tool. It provides a nice User Interface for interacting with PostgreSQL databases.

    Installation Steps

    1. Download the DSpace source from SourceForge and unzip it (WinZip will do this)
    2. Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running, and then run pgAdmin III (Start -> PostgreSQL 8.0 -> pgAdmin III). Connect to the local database as the postgres user and:
      • Create a 'Login Role' (user) called dspace with the password dspace
      • Create a database called dspace owned by the user dspace, with UTF-8 encoding
    3. Update paths in [dspace-source]\dspace\config\dspace.cfg. Note: Use forward slashes / for path separators, though you can still use drive letters, e.g.:_dspace.dir = C:/DSpace_Make sure you change all of the parameters with file paths to suit, specifically:
    4. Create the directory for the DSpace installation (e.g. C:\DSpace)
    5. Generate the DSpace installation package by running the following from command line (cmd) from your [dspace-source]/dspace/ directory:
      mvn package
      • Note #1: This will generate the DSpace installation package in your [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir/ directory.
      • Note #2: Without any extra arguments, the DSpace installation package is initialized for PostgreSQL. If you want to use Oracle instead, you should build the DSpace installation package as follows:
        mvn package
    6. Initialize the DSpace database and install DSpace to [dspace] (e.g. C:\DSpace) by running the following from command line from your [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir/ directory:
      ant fresh_install
      • Note: to see a complete list of build targets, run: ant help
    7. Create an administrator account, by running the following from your [dspace] (e.g. C:\DSpace) directory:
      [dspace]\bin\dspace create-administrator
    8. Copy the Web application directories from [dspace]\webapps to Tomcat's webapps dir, which should be somewhere like C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\webapps
      • Alternatively, Tell your Tomcat installation where to find your DSpace web application(s). As an example, in the <Host> section of your [tomcat]/conf/server.xml you could add lines similar to the following (but replace [dspace] with your installation location):
        <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace JSP User Interface  -->
        <Context path="/jspui" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\jspui" debug="0"
         reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
        <!-- DEFINE A CONTEXT PATH FOR DSpace OAI User Interface  -->
        <Context path="/oai" docBase="[dspace]\webapps\oai" debug="0"
         reloadable="true" cachingAllowed="false"
    9. Start the Tomcat service
    10. Browse to either http://localhost:8080/jspui or http://localhost:8080/xmlui. You should see the DSpace home page for either the JSPUI or XMLUI, respectively.

    Checking Your Installation

    The administrator needs to check the installation to make sure all components are working. Here is list of checks to be performed. In brackets after each item, it the associated component or components that might be the issue needing resolution.
    • System is up and running. User can see the DSpace home page. [Tomcat/Jetty, firewall, IP assignment, DNS]
    • Database is running and working correctly. Attempt to create a user, community or collection [PostgreSQL, Oracle]Run the test database command to see if other issues are being report:[dspace]/bin/dspace test-database
    • Email subsystem is running. The user can issue the following command to test the email system. t attempts to send a test email to the email address that is set in dspace.cfg (mail.admin). If it fails, you will get messages informing you as to why, will refer you to the DSpace documentation. [dspace]/bin/test-email

    Known Bugs

    In any software project of the scale of DSpace, there will be bugs. Sometimes, a stable version of DSpace includes known bugs. We do not always wait until every known bug is fixed before a release. If the software is sufficiently stable and an improvement on the previous release, and the bugs are minor and have known workarounds, we release it to enable the community to take advantage of those improvements.
    The known bugs in a release are documented in the KNOWN_BUGS file in the source package.
    Please see the DSpace bug tracker for further information on current bugs, and to find out if the bug has subsequently been fixed. This is also where you can report any further bugs you find.

    Common Problems

    In an ideal world everyone would follow the above steps and have a fully functioning DSpace. Of course, in the real world it doesn't always seem to work out that way. This section lists common problems that people encounter when installing DSpace, and likely causes and fixes. This is likely to grow over time as we learn about users' experiences.
    • Database errors occur when you run ant fresh_install: There are two common errors that occur.
      • If your error looks like this:
        [java] 2004-03-25 15:17:07,730 INFO
    @ Initializing Database
        [java] 2004-03-25 15:17:08,816 FATAL
    @ Caught exception:
        [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check
             that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is
             accepting TCP/IP connections.
        [java]     at
        [java]     at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(
        it usually means you haven't yet added the relevant configuration parameter to your PostgreSQL configuration (see above), or perhaps you haven't restarted PostgreSQL after making the change. Also, make sure that the db.username and db.password properties are correctly set in [dspace-source]/config/dspace.cfg. An easy way to check that your DB is working OK over TCP/IP is to try this on the command line:
        psql -U dspace -W -h localhost
        Enter the dspace database password, and you should be dropped into the psql tool with a dspace=> prompt.
      • Another common error looks like this:
        [java] 2004-03-25 16:37:16,757 INFO
    @ Initializing Database
        [java] 2004-03-25 16:37:17,139 WARN
    @ Exception initializing DB
        [java] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver
        [java]     at$
        [java]     at
        [java]     at
        This means that the PostgreSQL JDBC driver is not present in [dspace-source]/lib. See above.
    • Tomcat doesn't shut down: If you're trying to tweak Tomcat's configuration but nothing seems to make a difference to the error you're seeing, you might find that Tomcat hasn't been shutting down properly, perhaps because it's waiting for a stale connection to close gracefully which won't happen.
      • To see if this is the case, try running: ps -ef | grep java and look for Tomcat's Java processes. If they stay around after running Tomcat's script, trying running kill on them (or kill -9 if necessary), then starting Tomcat again.
    • Database connections don't work, or accessing DSpace takes forever: If you find that when you try to access a DSpace Web page and your browser sits there connecting, or if the database connections fail, you might find that a 'zombie' database connection is hanging around preventing normal operation.
      • To see if this is the case, try running: ps -ef | grep postgres
      • You might see some processes like this:
        dspace 16325  1997  0  Feb 14  ?         0:00 postgres: dspace dspace idle in transaction
        This is normal. DSpace maintains a 'pool' of open database connections, which are re-used to avoid the overhead of constantly opening and closing connections. If they're 'idle' it's OK; they're waiting to be used.
      • However sometimes, if something went wrong, they might be stuck in the middle of a query, which seems to prevent other connections from operating, e.g.:
        dspace 16325  1997  0  Feb 14  ?         0:00 postgres: dspace dspace SELECT
        This means the connection is in the middle of a SELECT operation, and if you're not using DSpace right that instant, it's probably a 'zombie' connection. If this is the case, try running kill on the process, and stopping and restarting Tomcat.