viernes, junio 03, 2011

MediaWiki - Instalando en Centos 5.6

01.- Descargar MediWiki desde: Mediawiki  
02.- Lo Ubicamos en /var/www/
03.- Creamos un directorio donde ubicaremos mediawiki: mkdir /var/www/html/mediawiki
04.- Descomprimir: tar -zxvf mediawiki-1.16.5.tar.gz 
05.- Nos Ubicamos en la directorio recien creado: cd  /var/www/mediawiki-1.16.5
06.- Copiar el contenido a contenido real: cp -R  .  /var/www/html/mediawiki
06.- Abandono el directorio cd /var/www/
07.- Eliminar la carpeta: rm -fr mediawiki-1.16.5
08.- Me ubico en el directorio de instalacion: cd /var/www/html/mediawiki
09.- Otorgo permisos: chmod a+w config
10.- Creamos la base de datos en Mysql: mysqladmin -u root -p create mediawiki
11.- Seguidamente nos pedira  el password de Mysql.
12.- En el Browser digitamos la siguiente URL: http://localhost/mediawiki
13.- Luego desplegara la siguiente imagen:
14.- Damos Click en setup up the wiki.
15.- Nos desplegara la pantalla que detallamos mas abajo Numeral 17
16.- Respondemos al siguiente Cuestionario, con los siguientes datos:

Contact e-mail:
Language: es - Español
Admin username: admin
Password: admin-2001
Password confirm: admin-2001
Database name: mediawiki
DB user name: mysql
DB password: mysql
DB password confirm:  mysql
Superuser account: root
Superuser password: root
Click en

17.-  Site config
Must not be blank or "MediaWiki" and may not contain "#"
Preferably a short word without punctuation, i.e. "Wikipedia".
Will appear as the namespace name for "meta" pages, and throughout the interface.
Displayed to users in some error messages, used as the return address for password reminders, and used as the default sender address of e-mail notifications.
Select the language for your wiki's interface. Some localizations aren't fully complete. Unicode (UTF-8) is used for all localizations.

  • choose
A notice, icon, and machine-readable copyright metadata will be displayed for the license you pick.
Cannot be blank
An admin can lock/delete pages, block users from editing, and do other maintenance tasks.
A new account will be added only when creating a new wiki database. 

The password cannot be the same as the username.

An object caching system such as memcached will provide a significant performance boost, but needs to be installed. Provide the server addresses and ports in a comma-separated list. 

MediaWiki can also detect and support eAccelerator, APC, and XCache, but these should not be used if the wiki will be running on multiple application servers.

DBA (Berkeley-style DB) is generally slower than using no cache at all, and is only recommended for testing.

E-mail, e-mail notification and authentication setup

Use this to disable all e-mail functions (password reminders, user-to-user e-mail, and e-mail notifications) if sending mail doesn't work on your server.

The user-to-user e-mail feature (Special:Emailuser) lets the wiki act as a relay to allow users to exchange e-mail without publicly advertising their e-mail address.

For this feature to work, an e-mail address must be present for the user account, and the notification options in the user's preferences must be enabled. Also note the authentication option below. When testing the feature, keep in mind that your own changes will never trigger notifications to be sent to yourself.
There are additional options for fine tuning in /includes/DefaultSettings.php; copy these to your LocalSettings.php and edit them there to change them.

If this option is enabled, users have to confirm their e-mail address using a magic link sent to them whenever they set or change it, and only authenticated e-mail addresses can receive mails from other users and/or change notification mails. Setting this option is recommended for public wikis because of potential abuse of the e-mail features above.

Database config

If your database server isn't on your web server, enter the name or IP address here.
Must not be blank
If you only have a single user account and database available, enter those here. If you have database root access (see below) you can specify new accounts/databases to be created. This account will not be created if it pre-exists. If this is the case, ensure that it has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions on the MediaWiki database.
If the database user specified above does not exist, or does not have access to create the database (if needed) or tables within it, please check the box and provide details of a superuser account, such as root, which does.
MySQL-specific options
If you need to share one database between multiple wikis, or between MediaWiki and another web application, you may choose to add a prefix to all the table names to avoid conflicts.
Avoid exotic characters; something like mw_ is good.

Select one:
InnoDB is best for public web installations, since it has good concurrency support. MyISAM may be faster in single-user installations. MyISAM databases tend to get corrupted more often than InnoDB databases.

Select one:
This option is ignored on upgrade, the same character set will be kept. 

WARNING: If you use backwards-compatible UTF-8 on MySQL 4.1+, and subsequently back up the database with mysqldump, it may destroy all non-ASCII characters, irreversibly corrupting your backups!. 

In binary mode, MediaWiki stores UTF-8 text to the database in binary fields. This is more efficient than MySQL's UTF-8 mode, and allows you to use the full range of Unicode characters. In UTF-8 mode, MySQL will know what character set your data is in, and can present and convert it appropriately, but it won't let you store characters above the Basic Multilingual Plane.
18.- Luego te desplegara la siguiente pantalla, donde nos indica que la instalaciòn fue exitosa..

    MediaWiki 1.16.5 Installation

    Checking environment...

    Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems.
    • PHP 5.3.6 installed
    • Found database drivers for: MySQL SQLite
    • PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title)
    • Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
    • Session save path (/var/lib/php/session) appears to be valid.
    • PHP's memory_limit is 32M bytes. Raised memory_limit to 52428800 bytes.
    • Couldn't find eAccelerator, APC or XCache; cannot use these for object caching.
    • Found GNU diff3: /usr/bin/diff3.
    • Found ImageMagick: /usr/bin/convert; image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads.
    • Found GD graphics library built-in.
    • Installation directory: /var/www/html/pentahowiki
    • Script URI path: /pentahowiki
    • Installing MediaWiki with php file extensions
    • Environment checked. You can install MediaWiki.
    • Generating configuration file...
    • Database type: MySQL
    • Loading class: DatabaseMysql
    • Attempting to connect to database server as root...success.
    • Connected to mysql 5.5.13; enabling MySQL 4.1/5.0 charset mode
    • Database pentahowiki exists
    • Creating tables... done.
    • Populating interwiki table... done.
    • Initializing statistics...
    • Created sysop account admin.
    • Creating LocalSettings.php...

      Installation successful! Move the config/LocalSettings.php file to the parent directory, then follow this link to your wiki.
      You should change file permissions for LocalSettings.php as required to prevent other users on the server reading passwords and altering configuration data.

    19.- En el Browser digitamos: http://localhost/mediawiki
    20.- Seguidamente nos deplegara el siguiente mensaje:

    MediaWiki 1.16.5

    To complete the installation, move config/LocalSettings.php to the parent directory.

    21.- Mover el archivo LocalSettings.php desde /var/www/html/mediawiki/config a /var/www/html/mediawiki
    22.- mv /var/www/html/mediawiki/config/LocalSettings.php  /var/www/html/mediawiki
    23.- En el Browser digitamos: http://localhost/mediawiki 
    24.- Nos desplegara lo siguiente:

      Página principal

      MediaWiki ha sido instalado con éxito.

      25.- Habilitar cargar archivos, busque en el LocalSettings.php lo siguiente:

      $wgEnableUploads       = false; modifcalo por 
      $wgEnableUploads       = true;

      26.- Asigna permisos para cargar archivos: chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/mediawiki/images
      27.- Reinicia el Apache: service httpd restart


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